Truth: I’m married to the most amazing person I have ever known. He’s the love of my life and the man I always dreamed would be my husband.
Awful Truth: I don’t always tell him how much he means to me or how much I love him. Life gets busy and we settle into a routine of casual “I love yous” and kisses goodnight.
Today marks our eighth wedding anniverary. Yep, the Mathlete has been putting up with my shenanigans for an entire eight years. They’ve been awesome for sure and I look forward to so many more.
This year though, in addition to our tradition of spending a day away, I wanted to give him something to remind him all the time how much I love him.
Now, this obviously isn’t revolutionary since it was on fire on Pinterest a few months ago. I’m typically late to the party though so no surprises I’m so behind on getting on this…
I bought an 8×10 artists canvas from the craft store. With my Cameo {that I still barely understand how to use}, I cut out the words “P.S. I Love You” and placed them on my canvas.
I brushed a coat of modge podge over it to seal the vinyl and let it dry…for 4 months. Or at least, in my mind it was really taking the modge podge that long to dry 😉
I knew I wanted this to live over on the table Mathlete keeps his keys, wallet and phone on so I painted it the fun green that is on our bathroom walls.
One coat…
Two coats…
I peeled off the letters to reveal {mostly} crisp white lettering against the bright green.
I wrapped the sides of my canvas in this cute blue striped washi tape I had and gave it a quick coat of modge podge too.
I hot glued a small clothespin on and my canvas was ready for all the little love notes to Mathlete for the next 100 years or so 🙂
Happy Anniversary, Mathlete {although hopefully you aren’t reading this until after I give you this gift}.

© 2012 Just Us Four. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Happy Anniversary! What a sweet, sweet gift!
How fun to be able to switch out the note on it…. What a great way to keep the gift on giving….
Happy anniversary!
hugs ~ Crystelle
So super cute! Happy Anniversary! New follower from Followers to Friends Blog Hop.
Hi shannah! awww that ia just lovely. Happy anniversary! I recently had mine 3 weeks back 🙂 im following u from the followerstofriends blog hop and hope u could return the favor at 🙂 thanks so much shannah, i rly like your blog so i will be hanging around here a lot 🙂
This is such a cute idea! Congratulations on your eighth anniversary!
Found you threw the followers to friends hop thanks for co hosting.
Beauty Flawed
Happy anniversary. What a sweet present.
I’m a new follower from the followers to friends blog hop.
This is such a cute idea and so nice that you can attach anything you want to it to send a message!
Hello from a new follower, loving your blog and the blog hops!
Dani xx
What a great idea! I love this. There are so many things you could do with this. Thanks for sharing!
What a cute idea! Happy anniversary to you and your hubby! Following you from the blog hop, thanks so much for co-hosting!
x Ellie @ Ellalogy
deborah lippmann/fresh giveaway
im your newest follower from the blog hop, come say hi
p.s happy anniversary 🙂
so special, I would really love it if you linked up with Crafty Tuesday on
I feature every week 3 projects and promote them through twitter,facebook and pinterest
all the best, Ewa
I too am guilty of not saying I love you enough to my husband. Thanks for the friendly reminder. I’m your newest follower from the blog hop.
Kimberly @
So cute and sweet! I found you at polka dots on parade linky party. Thanks for sharing!!
awhhhh. Happy Anniversary, a little late! :o) Sometimes just doing something little like making mention on the blog seems like such a special thing! But I know what you mean about life getting busy and not doing enough of the simple I love you kind of stuff!
What a beautiful gift!!!!
Thanks so much for sharing this at – From Dream to Reality!
very sweet…and Happy Anniversary xo
Happy Anniversary! What a sweet present, we could all do with more reminders of how much we are loved by our family. You aren’t late to the party, I hadn’t seen that pin before so yours is the first time I’m seeing this. Thank you for sharing with us on A Crafty Soiree!
Happy Anniversary! What a sweet post about your hubby! I guess we all need to say “I LOVE YOU” more often! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
Happy late anniversary! Great sign.
Happy late anniversary! Great sign.
A sweet gift from the heart – perfect! Happy anniversary!
A sweet gift from the heart – perfect! Happy anniversary!
I love this! I want to make one for my house. Such a good idea 🙂
This is so sweet and romantic! I love it!!!
Way cute! And it’s a great way to remember to say it daily 🙂 Thanks for sharing at The Fun In Functional!
Ok… LOVE this! I would also love if you would add this to my Mom’s Library Weekly Link-Up.
Thanks and Be Blessed,
Owwww Happy Anniversary! We all get a bit caught up in the day to day stuff but Im sure with a love like yours he knows he means a lot to you without you having to say it 🙂
I really love this artwork so cute I like how youve put the tape around the edges to finish it off. I did a similar piece for my bedroom but the edges look a bit unfinished, now I have an idea of what to do with them 🙂
Heres mine if youd like to check it out ..
That is so adorable…what a special gift. Happy, happy anniversary!
The four months made me laugh! Super cute idea, love it! And congratulations on such a wonderful marriage you guys have created together. Cute!
Love this! What a cute idea. Sure hope the next one doesn’t take four months to dry, lol. Happy belated Anniversary too 🙂 Thanks for sharing.
P.S. I LOVE your wedding photo you included. Beautiful hair 🙂