Resolutions…they are tricky things. We start out with grand plans for the start of the new year.
Better our health: Lose 50 lbs, go to the gym every day for at least an hour, etc.
Save money: Spend less. Don’t eat out and save the money instead.
Then, reality hits. You realize that there aren’t enough hours in the day for that gym visit every day. Or maybe you are totally addicted to that daily coffee you get from the nearby coffee house.
I hear you. I am a coffee addict. Every morning, I stop at the same place and order the same coffee drink…to the tune of $4.67/drink. Let’s think about how far I could get towards that saving money goal if I skipped that 5 days of week…I will save you the click to your calculator: It is over $1,000!
But, I can’t skip my coffee. Thanks to International Delight Light Iced Coffee I can get the best of both worlds…smaller waistline and bigger bank account.