Compensation was provided by Pure Leaf via Mode Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Pure Leaf.
For as long as I can remember, iced tea has been a part of my way of life. Both of my grandparents, along with so many people in our town, worked for a company that produced tea when I was a child. We never had a meal where iced tea wasn’t the beverage of choice. Of course, being in the south, the tea was sweet but it was always present. Now, as I am a “northerner,” the tea might be a little less sweet than I grew up with but I still love iced tea. Pure Leaf makes it easier to enjoy that fresh brewed glass of tea taste without all the actual brewing on my part. For summer, we like to combine our iced tea into cocktails and one of my absolute favorites is a lemon ginger iced tea mojito.